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Voki Classroom

Voki Classroom for Formative and Summative Assessment
About  has both a free and paid subscription and can be used in many ways with all ages of students. I will be demonstrating the use of Voki Classroom, which has an annual fee. You can get the flavor for this digital tool by visiting the site and using the free version on an individual basis. Voki classroom can be used for formative and summative assessment in any subject context. The finished voki can be imbedded in most electronic documents, including PPT, email, and websites.

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How is Voki Classroom used?
Teachers often use Voki Classroom to teach lessons which a sensitive in nature, such as anti drug and alcohol use, relationships, and bullying. The program allows student to create a representative to speak on their behalf, drawing the attention away from themselves while allowing them to speak their mind.

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Ideas for Lessons Using
1. Students create a voki to explain fun facts about people, history or topics of their choice
2. Attach a voki to a Power Point or Prezi
3. Embed a voki to a web page, Google site page or any sharable document
4. Introduce a guest speaker using a voki
5. Use voki as part of a flipped class
6. Prepare voki lessons and include in sub plans.
To see more or discuss possible work let's talk >>
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